This grain free dry dog food, delicious and complete recipe with fresh chicken and freshly prepared duck, is bursting with natural goodness.
This contains glucosamine and chondroitin to help aid bone and joint support, prebiotics to help establish a healthy digestion and essential nutrients for overall health. It also contains salmon oil, a fantastic source of Omega-3 fatty acids to help keep your dog’s coat, heart, brain and joints in good health.
This recipe is made using wholesome vegetables, fruits and botanical herbs. All the essential vitamins and minerals your dog needs in their daily diet have also been added.
42% Freshly Prepared: Chicken (31%), Duck (8%), Chicken Liver (3%), Sweet Potatoes (29%), Whole Peas (6.5%), Whole Lentils, Pea Protein, Flaxseed, Egg, Potato Protein, Chicken Gravy, Minerals, Botanicals & Herbs* (1%), Salmon Oil, Mannan Oligosaccharides 1.3g/kg Fructooligosaccharides 0.8g/kg, Carrots, Apples, Joint Care Mix (Glucosamine 175mg/kg, Methylsulfonylmethane 175mg/kg, Chondroitin Sulphate 125mg/kg), Cranberries, Spinach. *Botanicals & Herbs: Alfalfa, Chickweed, Cleavers, Golden Rod, Nettles, Seaweed, Dandelion Root, Celery Seeds, Milk Thistle, Burdock Root, Marigold Flowers, Rosehips.
Price: £11.95
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While we take care to ensure product information displayed on our website is correct, product ingredients, contents and recipes are occasionally changed. This may affect allergen and nutrition information so you should always check product labels and not rely solely on the information presented on our website. All weights are subject to +/-5% tolerance. Read T&C’s
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